ACTOR STORY | I’m Officially Done with In-Person Auditions! 

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    I’m Officially Done with In-Person Auditions! 

    I hope to never have this experience again!

    (The Anonymous Actor)

    (Photo: Liza Summer | Pexels)

    I hope I NEVER have to go to another in-person audition again in my life! I had my first post-pandemic in-person audition recently. It was a nightmare!

    Don’t get me twisted. Self-taping is not always fun. I often gripe and grumble about how much I hate them. I hate setting up my equipment. I hate having to worry about lighting and sound and everything else that comes with it.

    But compared to the alternative, I love it!

  • Audition FAIL!
    I went to my first in-person audition since the pandemic began. I was excited because I thought it would be fun to audition with actual people. You know, the way God intended auditions to be!

    I got into my vehicle and headed to downtown Los Angeles. As I sat aimlessly on the 110N in LA, stuck in traffic, I began to second-guess my hatred for self-tapes.

    As I sat aimlessly on the 110N in LA, stuck in traffic, I began to second-guess my hatred for self-tapes.

    “If this was a self-tape,” I thought, “I’d already be halfway done, not stuck in traffic!”

    I finally arrived at the audition location. When I opened the door, I could see that the waiting room was packed! I had about 20 actors in front of me at check-in.

  • To make matters worse, each audition was lasting about 10 minutes. So, do the math on that.

    If there are 20 actors ahead of me, and each actor spends about 10 minutes in the audition room, I’m looking at at least a 3-hour wait time before my audition. 3 hours!!!

    I didn’t have 3 hours to wait, so I gathered my things and left, feeling utterly defeated. I never even got the chance to audition!

    In-person auditions are not for me. Not anymore!

    Back on the 110 I went, heading back toward Long Beach. The whole ride home I was thinking what a pleasure it was to self-tape – to audition in the comfort of your own home, on the schedule of your own making.

    In-person auditions are not for me. Not anymore! Especially for the first round of auditions, when everyone and their mama is showing up and the whole process is indiscriminate.

    I hope to never have this experience again!

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