What Is An Audition?

By Darryl Green

  • Generally, an audition is a brief acting performance by an aspiring actor or actress in front of a casting director or a casting panel, in hopes of receiving a role in a film, theatre or some other production. When the actor shows up to the audition, he or she is asked to read lines from a script or to perform a prepared scene or monologue.

    After watching this performance, the casting director makes a judgment about whether or not the actor is the right person to perform a character in the production.

    General Audition Tips

    Always be on time for your audition
    One of the worst things you can do is arrive late to an audition. In addition to being unprofessional, arriving late shows the casting director that you are not driven to succeed and, if they hire you for the acting job, that they cannot count on you to be on time and prepared.

    Be prepared
    If you are asked to perform a monologue at your audition, choose a monologue that showcases your best talents. If you are given a script or audition sides, be sure to memorize your lines. If you are asked to do a cold reading, be sure to ask questions about your acting role, such as the age and background of the character.

    Dress The Part
    Show up at your audition dressed as the character you are auditioning for. For example, if you are auditioning for an role as a police officer, try to dress as a police officer, or at least try to wear the shirt and hat and badge of a police officer. Showing up dressed as the character you are auditioning for will help casting directors see you as the character and make them more willing to give you the part.

    Stick to the Script
    Don’t do a whole lot of adlibbing. Try to stick to the script as much as you can. Sticking to the script helps you stay focused and stay in character. Additionally, sticking to the script is important because there may be certain lines that the casting director is expecting you to deliver; certain lines that are important to the character. If you don’t stick to the script, it will make it harder for a casting director to evaluate your ability to fit the character.

    Make a Strong Character Choice
    The purpose of your audition is to stand out and convince the casting director that you are right for the acting gig. It is extremely important that you make a strong impression and make strong choices for your character. For example, if your character is quick-tempered, make a strong choice about how your character is going to display anger. Perhaps the character will yell and scream. Or, perhaps your character will grit his or her teeth and get red in the face. Either way, make a strong choice and go with it!

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