Build Chemistry Through Compliments
Compliments work in the real world and in the world of make-believe
(By Carmichael Phillips)
(Photo: Leah Kelley | Pexels)
One simple way to build chemistry with your love interest in a scene is by exchanging simple compliments. It works in real life, and it can also work in the world of make-believe.
Let’s say you’ve been paired up with a love interest in a play or film. The problem is, you don’t have much attraction to that person. Naturally, it’s difficult to have chemistry with someone to whom you have no attraction.
One solution to this dilemma? Compliments! Use compliments to build attraction and, therefore, chemistry.
Try this:
Sit across from your partner and give them one compliment about their appearance. Then, they return the favor. Now you, again.
Sit across from your partner and give them one compliment about their appearance.
Repeat this process again and again, each time discovering something new to like about your scene partner that was not evident before. By the time you’re done, you’ll discover just how attractive that “unattractive” person really is.
This technique was recently described by Omar Gooding, the younger brother of Academy Award winning actor, Cuba Gooding, Jr., in a recent interview on VladTV.
Gooding recalled how he was once paired up with an actress whom he had no attraction to. But that all changed after they used this technique.
“I remember in high school. I got the lead role, opposite a girl who I was not attracted to, in any way. And, there was an exercise that we did where we looked into each other’s eyes and we give each other a compliment. About anything,” said Gooding.
“Nice hair!”
“Nice earrings!”
“Nice nose!”
“Nice chin!”
“And we did this like 12 or 15 times, back and forth. By the end of it, we were ready to start kissing! It’s just something about connecting with somebody.”
According to Gooding, he and the other actress, whom he originally had no attraction to, wound up dating for a few years afterwards.
If your scene partner doesn’t mind, pass them a few tasteful compliments and watch your chemistry sizzle!
Compliments, of course, also work in real life. Want to build up a man’s ego and self-esteem? Fire off a round of genuine compliments and watch his chest inflate like a Michelin tire.
(Photo: Katie Salerno | Pexels)
Want to make a lady feel beautiful and desirable? Recognize that she spent considerable time getting ready for your date and tell her that all of her efforts were well worth it, because she looks gorgeous!
And, if your scene partner doesn’t mind, pass them a few tasteful compliments and watch your chemistry sizzle!
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