What Questions Should You Ask an Agent?

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  • What Questions Should You Ask an Agent?

    10 questions to prepare before an agent meeting

    (By AM Staff)

    (Photo: Shvets Production | Pexels)


    I am going to an agent meeting. They are going to be asking me a bunch of questions. But are there any questions that I should ask them?


    Damn right! You did not apply for a job at the agency. So, do not treat your meeting like it’s a job interview. It’s not! It’s a business meeting. You are meeting your potential business partner to see if a mutually beneficial business partnership can be formed.

    Actors often make this mistake. It usually happens because the actor is new to the business or is so desperate for representation that they give the agent more power than the agent deserves.

    But this is your career. Just as the agent will be looking out for their own best interests, so should you. Don’t just sit there and be interviewed; interview the agent as well.

    (Photo: Alex Green | Pexels)

    And do not just ask idle questions to pass the time or to make yourself look like you are interested. There are substantive questions that you should want substantive answers to. Things like:

    1. What did you see in me to make you want to have this meeting?

    2. What do you like about my work and potential?

    3. How many actors do you represent overall?

    4. How many actors do you represent who are like me?

    5. What kinds of roles do you see me playing?

    6. What do you think of my headshot and reel? How do you think I can improve them?

    7. What would be the terms of your contract?

    8. Is there anything about my career that you think I need to improve on?

    9. What would be the best way to contact you, if you do decide to represent me?

    10. If you do not decide to represent me at this time, what’s the best way for me to keep you updated on the progress in my career?

    Another great reason to ask these questions is for self-improvement. That agent may ultimately decide not to represent you. But by asking these kinds of questions, you will have used that meeting to improve your career and to prepare yourself for your next, ideally more successful, agent meeting.

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