If you’re waiting to be cast for the perfect part that will launch your Oscar-winning career, keep dreaming. And that whooshing sound you’ll hear will be the other actors passing you by. Talent agents help, and blind luck is golden, but to really find work, it is up to you. Remember: You are your best marketer!
Send 5 headshots per day!
Plan on sending at least 5 headshots per day to talent agents, casting directors and other relevant parties.
If you don’t have enough for mailing costs, send 1-2. It may not land you an audition right away, but persistence always pays with time.
Send your headshots to whoever will see them!
How many times have you seen the same product advertised in magazines, billboards and on countless television commercials?
The reason is because spreading the word is effective marketing. You must do the same. The more they see you, the better your chances.
Be a guerilla!
Guerilla, in marketing terms, is a low-cost, hard-hustling marketing effort. You don’t need a lot of money to attend industry functions or go to acting clubs and organizations. Get out there! Be a guerilla!
Network with other actors!
Due to the competitive nature of acting, networking with actors of the same sex is generally limited. However, many actors of the same sex are willing to help. And, of course, networking with actors of the opposite sex can really be effective due to the exclusion of the competition factor. Waiting to audition is a great time to pass out your headshot and network with other actors.