How to Audition for a Netflix Show

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  • How to Audition for a Netflix Show

    Here’s a step-by-step guide

    (By Jim Webb)

    (Photo: Freestocks/Unsplash)

    Auditioning for a Netflix show is a goal shared by many actors, as the streaming platform produces a wide range of original content. While Netflix auditions are highly competitive, with the right approach and preparation, you can increase your chances of securing an audition. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to audition for a Netflix show:

    1. Build Your Acting Skills:

    Invest in your acting training and development. Take acting classes, workshops, and courses to improve your skills and versatility as an actor.

    1. Create an Impressive Actor’s Resume:

    Compile a professional actor’s resume that includes your acting experience, training, special skills, and contact information. If you have limited professional experience, include relevant coursework, workshops, and performances.

    1. Obtain a High-Quality Headshot:

    Invest in a high-quality headshot that represents your appearance and casting range accurately. Your headshot is often the first thing casting directors see.

    1. Join a Talent Agency:

    Consider seeking representation from a talent agency. Agents can help you find audition opportunities, including those for Netflix shows. Research and submit your materials to reputable agencies in your area.

    1. Stay Informed:

    Keep a close eye on industry resources like casting websites (e.g., Backstage, Casting Networks), social media platforms, and Netflix’s official casting page. Netflix occasionally posts casting calls and audition notices on these platforms.

    1. Create an Online Presence:

    Build a professional online presence through a website or social media profiles dedicated to your acting career. Share your resume, headshots, and any video clips of your work.

    1. Attend Workshops and Networking Events:

    Attend industry events, workshops, and networking opportunities to connect with fellow actors, casting directors, and industry professionals. Building relationships can lead to audition opportunities.

    1. Prepare for Auditions:

    When you find a Netflix audition that suits your profile, thoroughly review the audition notice for specific requirements. Prepare your audition materials, which may include sides (script excerpts), monologues, or scenes.

    1. Self-Submit for Auditions:

    Some Netflix casting calls allow actors to self-submit their auditions online. Follow the submission instructions carefully and provide all required materials, including your resume, headshot, and audition video.

    1. Rehearse and Be Prepared:

    Rehearse your audition materials thoroughly, and consider working with an acting coach or a trusted friend to receive feedback. Be well-prepared on the day of the audition.

    1. Showcase Your Range:

    Highlight your versatility as an actor during the audition. Showcase your ability to adapt to different roles and characters.

    1. Be Professional and Punctual:

    Arrive early, well-prepared, and dressed appropriately for the audition. Be professional and respectful to casting directors and staff.

    1. Follow Up:

    After the audition, send a polite thank-you note or email to express your appreciation for the opportunity and your interest in the project.

    1. Keep Auditioning:

    Understand that auditioning is a competitive process, and rejection is part of the industry. Continue to audition for a variety of projects, not just Netflix shows.

    1. Stay Persistent and Patient:

    Securing an audition for a Netflix show can be challenging due to the high level of competition. Stay persistent, patient, and committed to your acting career.

    Remember that while landing a role on a Netflix show is a significant achievement, the audition process is an opportunity for growth and learning. Keep honing your skills, expanding your network, and auditioning for various projects to increase your chances of achieving your goal of acting in a Netflix show.


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