How Do I Know If Acting is Right For Me? 

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  • How Do I Know If Acting is Right For Me?

    Ask yourself these 5 questions

    (By Javier Guerra)

    (Photo: Tima Miroshnichenko | Pexels)

    Are you thinking about becoming an actor? Are you considering joining the ranks of the thousands of brave souls who, each year, choose to go for their dreams in the entertainment industry?

    Maybe you’re feeling a little hesitant or indecisive about it. Maybe you’re on the fence about it, trying to decide if it’s right for you.

    Well, here are a few helpful questions to help you make up your mind:

    1) Are you passionate about acting? 

    (Photo: Sewn Apart/Unsplash)

    Are you passionate about acting? Is it something you would do even if you couldn’t be a big movie star, driving fancy cars? If you could only do small, nondescript roles in theatre or television, would you still be interested in becoming an actor?

    2) Do you HAVE to be an actor? 

    (Photo: Cottonbro | Pexels)

    “If you HAVE to become an actor, you will. If you don’t HAVE to do it, you won’t.”

    (Ed Harris)

    You might want to become an actor. But do you HAVE to become an actor? Would you be happy with your life if you didn’t pursue an acting career? Is acting just a job you’d like to do or a calling you must answer?

    3) Are you willing to dedicate at least 10 years?

    Are you willing to pursue acting even if success doesn’t come early for you? Are you willing to hang in there for a whole year, without much success? How about 2 years? How about 5 years? How about 10 years (or more)?

    4) Are you willing to constantly work on improving your craft?

    (Photo: Cottonbro | Pexels)

    Are you willing to put in the time, energy and effort to improve your craft? Are you willing to go to class, even when you don’t want to? Are you willing to assess your weaknesses and to strive to get better? Do you see yourself as a student with natural talent or as a natural talent who doesn’t need to study?

    5) Are you willing to accept rejection?

    (Photo: Monstera | Pexels)

    Are you willing to accept that the word “No” is just part of the game? Will you take rejection in stride or allow it to demoralize you? Will you see “No” as an opportunity to improve? Could you take 1000 rejections and still come back for the 1001st?

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    Ed Harris: “Acting is a lifelong situation.”


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