What is a Director?
A director is the person responsible for bringing a show to life. For example, when a movie is being filmed, it is the director’s job to piece together the lighting, set, props, backgrounds, camera angles and actor performances necessary to making the film look good on the big screen.
The director is second in command, next to the movie’s producer. And while, other individuals may be directly responsible for acting performances, lighting, camera and set design, the director is ultimately responsible for fitting all those different pieces together.
Perhaps most importantly, directors give direction to actors. For example, if an actor has a fight scene with another actor, the director may tell the actor to yell or screen, position his body in certain ways, or change the scene around entirely, turning the fight scene into a stare-down, rather than an actual fight.
What Are The Director’s Primary Responsibilities?
- Helping to edit the film in the post-production phase (after all the filming has taken place).
- Helping the casting director find the right actors for the roles in the production.
- Giving direction to actors.
- Arranging
- Editing
The director’s most important role comes in the form of shooting the film. It is the director’s job to take the scenes in the script and bring them to life. In order to make that happen, the director must blend the principal actors, supporting actors, lighting crew, set designers, costume designers into one organized and entertaining unit.
One of the first duties of the director is to aide the casting director in selecting the right actors to perform in the production. This is, of course, extremely important. Failure to place the right actors in the right parts can make or break a film.
The director is the primary person who gives directions and suggestions to actors, often called notes, about how they should perform. If an actor performs his role in a way that doesn’t quite fit the scene, for instance, it is the director’s job to mold that performance into one that does fit. The director must navigate through the egos of well-paid actors to get the performance he feels will work best in the scene.
Producing a great scene includes producing great scenery. In the end, the director is responsible for looking into his camera and seeing what the audience will eventually see. Therefore, the director must make sure the lighting is right, the scenery is appealing, the camera angles are appropriate and the movement is stimulating.
Along with the director’s many roles, he must also help to edit the film in the post-production phase (after all the filming has taken place). Here, the director will get his final chance to put the finishing touches on what he hopes will be a successful, entertaining film.