Should Actors Get Tattoos? 

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  • Should Actors Get Tattoos?

    5 things to consider before getting inked up

    (By Javier Guerra)

    (Photo: Monica Silvestre | Pexels)

    Before you get inked up, consider the fact that your decision could have a lasting impact on your acting career. That impact can be either negative or positive, however, depending on how you’d like your career to play out. Depending on the placement of your tats, it may have little-to-no impact at all.

    Can you have a successful acting career, despite having visible tattoos? Yep! Lots of famous actors have tattoos. But there are some things you should consider before you get tatted up.

    #1: Where are you in your career?

    First, where are you, currently, in your acting career? Are you a working actor with a paying gig? Are you an actor with a “name” and many noteworthy credits. If so, then getting a tattoo may have no effect on your acting career. You’re already a bankable talent. You have the power to force others to work around your tattoos.

    However, if you’re an up-and-coming actor or actress, you may not have that kind of leverage.

    #2: Are you a uniquely talented actor?

    (Photo: Anna Shvets | Pexels)

    If you’re an exceptional actor with a unique skill set, a tattoo may have little effect on your career. Tattoos, of course, can be covered up with makeup, wardrobe, camera angles, etc.

    If you’re exceptional, casting directors will bend over backwards to get you cast. If, however, you’re not that exceptional, your tattoo might factor into whether you get certain roles.

    #3: Can your tattoo be covered up?

    One way you can avoid potential conflicts resulting from getting a tattoo is simply by getting one you can easily cover up. The tattoo you place on your upper shoulder, for example, is much easier to conceal than one on your neck, hand or face.

    #4: What is your type?

    Tattoos are associated with certain stereotypes. Before getting a tattoo, consider the types of roles you want to play.

    Tattoos are associated with certain stereotypes. Before getting a tattoo, consider the types of roles you want to play.

    If you’re going for roles like “bad boy”, “mafia-type” or “drug addict”, it might benefit you to have a tattoo. If, on the other hand, you’re going for “girl next door”, “nerdy” or “18 to play younger” roles, a big tattoo might present some problems. It may alter people’s perception of you.

    #5: Have you spoken to your rep?

    (Photo: Abhishek Saini | Pexels)

    Before getting a tattoo, ask your current rep what they think about it. They might be able to shed some light on the roles they think you can play and whether or not a tattoo can be an obstacle or an opportunity in your acting career.

    At the end of the day, your acting ability is what matters most. But tattoos can make a difference in how you’re perceived and what you’re allowed to do.

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